Multiple List Selection with Deselecting 3
Please tell us what you think about the program you just used.
Rate how well you understood what the computer wanted you to do with 1 representing poorly understood and 5 representing well understood.
1 2 3 4 5
Rate how well you were able to accomplish your task with 1 representing being unable to accomplish the task, and 5 representing being able to easily accomplish the task.
Rate how easy this program was to use with 1 representing very difficult and 5 representing very easy.
How easy was it to select multiple options? 1 represents very difficult, 5 represents very easy.
Rate how you liked the confirmation of your choices at the end of the dialog. 1 represents did not like at all, 5 represents liked a lot.
Rate how well changing your selections at the end of the program worked. 1 represents did not work well, 5 represents work really well.