Multiple List Selection 2A

Please tell us what you think about the program you just used.

Rate how well you understood what the computer  wanted you to do.

very poorly

somewhat poorly



very well


Rate how well you were able to accomplish your task.

very poorly

somewhat poorly



very well


Rate how easy this program was to use.

very difficult

somewhat difficult



very easy


Rate how easy it was to select multiple items.

very difficult

somewhat difficult


somewhat easy

very easy


Do you prefer to say the items you want immediately, or select them from a list of options?

I strongly prefer to speak the items

I slightly prefer to speak the items

I like having both options

I slightly prefer to select from a list

I strongly prefer to select from a list


                                                           If you have any comments, please write them here.



Capstone team #1 Summer 2004 Portland State University
Revised: 07/22/04.